While first dates are typically spent at a nice restaurant followed by some expensive cocktails, you don’t have to spend that amount of money on every date. Plus, the whole restaurant+drinks gig can get kind of boring after a while. Step out of your comfort zone, save some money, and try some of theses incredibibly […]
Getting a date can be complicated. Some people seem to have a natural flair for it. Maybe it’s easier for those who have a sex appeal, are physical attractive, or are smooth talkers, but that doesn’t have to be the case for everyone. If you belong to the group of people that just seems to […]
Most men like to think they come off as attractive to women. No matter what age, style, or social status. Although a lot of men may have the same intention, some of them just go about it the wrong way. The worst part of all, they have no idea. In order to sort things out, […]
Marriage takes a lot of work. And whether we like to admit or not, it isn’t for everyone. Some may never find that compatible person, others just don’t believe in it. And then there are those that, for whatever reason, suck at it. Despite all the negative opinions about marriage, it seems that most of […]
Saying the ‘L’ word for the first time to someone can be scary. Maybe the first step is admitting to yourself that you’re in love. But knowing whether or not your relationship is going down a more serious path can be frustrating, yet incredibly fun. And most likely a lot of things are happening in […]
No one ever said love was easy. In fact, love isn’t always pretty. It’s different every time. Sometimes it’s beautiful and intense. Other times it is ugly and emotional. It’s strange how love can bring out so many different feelings. But then again, maybe that’s what makes it so amazing. It’s an unavoidable feeling that […]
At the beginning of every relationship, we show our best side. We tend to mind our manners, wear our best outfits and put on a nice scent. We avoid awkward convos and anything that might be considered controversial. Overtime, we become more comfortable with each other, conversations start to loosen up and we stop prepping […]
At the end of the day, we are all looking for love. The comfort and joy of being with someone you are in love with is irreplaceable. But how do you know when that person is the man you should make your husband? How do you know that it’s that “can’t eat, can’t sleep, reach […]
“We are all a little weird and life’s a little weird, and when we find someone whose weirdness is compatible with ours, we join up with them and fall in mutual weirdness and call it love.” – Author Unknown Let’s be honest, normal is boring. Yeah, maybe it’s stable and you never have to expect […]
You can tell a lot about a girl by knowing what she drinks. The fun, down-to-earth beer drinkers always bring a smile to your face. The red wine drinkers are more on the posh side with a sophisticated pallet and personality (most likely). The vodka drinkers sipping on their cosmos find something to falsely giggle […]