Spring is finally here. The sun shines a little brighter and the flowers begin to bloom. The psychological and physical changes that spring brings about result in a great time to get to know new people. Get back into the dating scene and let the season run its magical course. Here’s why spring is the perfect season to start a new relationship.
1. You get a confidence boost.
Have you noticed people just seem happier once spring has sprung? It’s not called spring fever for nothing and it’s totally contagious. You feel happier and more confident. Thanks to dopamine, you probably find yourself smiling more often. It also affects your desire to want to be in love.
2. You shed those winter layers.
Quite literally actually. Not only do we tend to lose a few pounds once the warmer season starts, but we can also leave the bulky coats at home. Show some skin, show off your curves! Spring outfits are much sexier than winter ones.
3. You’re following your biological impulses.
Animals have been doing it for thousands of years. And (surprise surprise!) we’re animals! Pheromones and pollen increase. The flowers are doing it, the birds are doing it, and guess what, humans are too! You can say, it’s something in the air.
4. People come out of hibernation.
It may seem like the population of your city has doubled over the last couple of weeks. But obviously that’s not the case. A lot of people hate being cold and tend to stay indoors as much as possible to avoid it. Once the weather starts to warm up, people hit the streets and the parks.
5. It’s a great time for a fresh start.
During winter, you may find yourself just wanting sometime comfortable and oftentimes running back to your ex or someone that you know is not relationship material. It’s nice to have someone to cuddle with on cold nights, even if it’s not the one you want to be with. But once spring comes around, you’re more inclined to want a fresh start.
6. Online messages increase
Statistics have shown that more people are sending messages on online dating sites. Go ahead and get your profile updated. Explore your options for other dating sites that may fit your desires better. And send some messages yourself. You’ll be surprised how many people actually respond now that it’s springtime.
7. There are more activities to do.
Once the weather starts improving, people want to be outside. The number of things you can do duplicate. Whether you decide to meet someone for a date for an outdoor activity, or you sign up on your own, these are great opportunities to meet new people and get outside for some vitamin D.